Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Shout outs, tv shows, and relationships

Today was miserable. Isn't that a wonderful way to start? I'm occupying my overstressing brain by updating this for those of you who actually read it. 19 hours of online gameplay in COD Black Ops. Also, I bought the new show V on DVD, I am 7 episodes in and thoroughly hooked. Fantastic show, coupled with phenomenal special effects. Go buy it, I PROMISE sci fi fans won't be disappointed.

I've noticed something. Is it just me, or does it seem like when you're single everyone around is with someone?! Especially people you like, leaving little hope for a decent dating life. Then, the moment you decide you don't need to be with anyone anyways, suddenly everybody is single again. This is the very definition of frustrating.

Randomly, I wanna give a shout out to all my closest and most treasured friends. Suey, Travis, Macey, Luke, I love you guys. Please please don't ever stop being awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Woah, you have a blog! Nifty... well I'll be one of your first comments. You have a writing stlye that make you entertaining to read, although your entries seem rather random, but like you said it's your blog and you get to do with it what you will. Stay Classy Jardan!
