Saturday, November 6, 2010

LARPing, parties, and whatever else comes to mind

I went to one of my best buds' birthday party today, Travis. I must say, pretty awesome. The action was initiated with the watching of the Disney movie Hercules (at this point there were 10+ men present. We are awesome), which was followed by going to a park to play night games for a few hours. Of course, I missed the last half hour of the movie because I had to drive over and pick up another close friend Keturah, take her home to change, then bring her all the way back to hang out with us :P worth it; she's great company. I spoke with an old friend I don't often see, Jeremiah, who is another Russian fanatic like myself. He filled me in on the concept of what I'm going to call REAL LARPing, LARP meaning Live Action Role Play. Now before you laugh and conjure up images of nerds in wizards cloaks pretending to cast lightning at their dark elf adversaries, allow me to explain the REAL part of the LARPing. It isn't in the sense of living the World of Warcraft experience (a lifeless nerd's fantasy come true), it's about reliving somewhat real instances. For example, massive medieval era battles. 800 combatants. Weighted foam weapons. Legit outfits. Battle cries. Oh yes. I truly want to take part in one of these epic battles someday...someday.

In other news, my resolution to get a car is at an all-time high. I'm incredibly tired of bargaining for use of my parents' cars, and I'm quite certain that they are equally, if not more so, tired of it as well. I'm expecting no later than a month from now before I have one. Perhaps two months, max. Also...what is everyone's opinion on the morality of fighting? Personally, I believe in avoiding circumstances that would put you in a predicament requiring a decision like that in the first place. But even so fighting, to me, should always be a last resort. It really solves nothing ultimately. But I also believe that sometimes it IS necessary. Sometimes. For instance, if a blow is thrown, I will heartily return it. And put a very quick, very unfortunate (for the other guy) end to the fight. Cough cough Cody, back off cough cough :P of course, since I'm of legal age that I could get into trouble for such childish and immature actions, I would never throw the first punch. Ever. But sometimes a man just has to take a stand and say enough BS. Anyways, yeah, that's my opinion of fighting for you.

Really, I had something else interesting to say but I forgot what it was. Perhaps I'll remember it later and include it in my next post. Ah well. Sleep in suspense :P
Jordan R Williams

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