Saturday, November 27, 2010

Black Friday

Right off the bat, as far as general entertainment value, you'd have a hard time topping my Black Friday shenanigans. I went out on the town with some buddies of mine, Travis and Jake, and experienced many things that were, to say the very least, interesting. Walmart + Black Friday = absolute madness. I've never seen quite so many unhappy and aggressive people all in one place at one time. Ever. I saw people stealing other people's carts, one old lady couldn't decide how many of her grandkids needed Call of Duty: Black Ops for Christmas so she took all 8 copies that were on the shelf, leaving the people waiting behind her in shock and awe. And fury. It took me 47 minutes (I kept track) to make it from the back of the check-out line to the front to pay for me three items. Two movies, and a car charger for my iPhone. 47 minutes. Better be some seriously good movies. Which they are, 2012 and Gran Torino.

We filmed and photographed a good amount of the chaos that was Walmart that night, but the worst of it we missed. For instance, the cart stealing, the borderline rioting when the Wii's ran out, the knocking over of entire shelves of movies. It was something out a holiday movie where the crazy shoppers destroy the whole store. It was unendingly entertaining.

After Walmart, with the use of Trav's video camera, we proceeded to prank what few drive-thru places that were open. Videos of which will be posted on Youtube and Trav's Facebook. Maybe I'll post a link to them later on. I don't claim any credit for them, however, seeing as I just sat in the back seat and enjoyed the nonsensical humor. I wish I could explain how and why these pranks were funny, but you simply have to see it to understand it.

All in all, a very satisfying Black Friday. I set out that night with no real intent to buy anything; merely to hang with some friends and have a good time. And have a good time we did. Ah, life. It's not ALL bad.

J R Williams

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