While writing this today, I'm sitting back with a drink simply marvelling at life. So many things seem to be happening lately that I don't really like. I like to think I've recovered from my recent breakup, though it sometimes returns with a vengeance to strike me down into an unhappy stupor yet again. Additionally, I've been turned down yet again after my fourth job interview here in town. Joy of joys. But right when you think you've got it all figured out, it gets even better. My phone is broken. The screen is badly cracked, as if somebody shot it. Most of the touchscreen no longer works. Effectively, all it can now do is answer phone calls and read (but not reply to) texts. So, if you need/want to get ahold of me, call me or Facebook me. Don't text me, because I couldn't answer it even if I wanted to. I estimate another several days (or even longer) before I'm able to get a replacement. I could always downsize to not-an-iPhone, which would be easier, but I would still be without my iPod musical capabilities. This is unacceptable. Thus, I'm rather upset right now. On the upside, however, my sister in law has been in town visiting, which indubitably means I've had to deal with the trolling of an older sister for the past week or so. Which is definitely interesting, seeing as I'm used to being the one who dishes out the trolling rather than being the target of it. She's bunches of fun! We get along well, and I've really enjoyed having her here to visit (emphasis on "visit"... heehee [oh come on, it's a joke] ).
I've had a lot of fun over the past couple weeks, despite the recent downfalls of my life. My family went to Monterey and toured the world-famous Monterey Bay Aquarium. We also went to "Big Trees" to see the giant redwoods. Then I went with some friends down to San Francisco so my friend could audition for the new-ish American Idol spinoff, The Voice. He wasn't successful, but he did an admirable job and they only selected two out of the countless participants who showed up. Aside from that, I simply love road trips. The ridiculous singing along to music, frustrating realizations that we just got lost, and heart-to-heart bromance is essential to a man's life at one point or another.
I have a craving. I haven't gone shooting since before I moved away from Utah (a.k.a. HOME!!!). I miss it dearly (shooting AND Utah). I have ammunition, clay targets, and my Drobovik (Russian for "shotgun"). I merely need a place to go with some friends to blow some things away. This, I think, is one of the very best stress relievers. The satisfactory kick of a shotgun, coupled with the booming discharge and addicting sight of a spent shell ejection, is medicinal to say the least. Somebody should find me a nearby place I can go, preferably free of any sort of entrance fee.
I'm hungry.
J R Williams